The Chronicles of War, Hatred and Love

WE: media theater M. Yasinska, S. Brama, L. Batalova The Chronicles of War, Hatred and Love Sun / 25 / 9 / 22 14.30 – 16.00 hrs. TICKETS HERE Synagogue language: Ukrainian, Russian, Slovak with Slovak and English translation   no intermission WE: media theater, UKRAINE, SLOVAKIA Maria Yasinska, Sashko Brama, Liuda Batalova The Chronicles of…

Young criticism in Nitra

After two years of restrictions, we shall again welcome in Nitra young critics from Central and Eastern Europe in full numbers. The 31st edition of the International Theatre Festival Nitra is much anticipated by spectators and ensembles, along with young theatre critics. Their residency in the town on the foothills of Zobor is part of…

Transcending Divadelná Nitra 1992 – 2021 maps the past 30 years of the international festival and an eponymous association

On Thursday, 26 May 2022, during the networking meeting of the Association Divadelná Nitra and culture stakeholders from Nitra and its surrounding region, a presentation of e-publication Transcending Divadelná Nitra 1992 – 2021 will be held in bod.K7. The publication follows upon the volume … Desire Alive for Beauty – International Theatre Festival Divadelná Nitra…

Residency #GENERATION(S)

At the turn of April and May 2022, bod.K7 – new space of the Association became the venue for the creation of a new international piece #generation(s). The first performance of the intergenerational work of professional artists from the French group Le Cri Dévot and the current generation of teenagers was presented as work-in-progress in…

The Slovak section of ITF Divadelná Nitra’s main programme will be curated by Mária Danadová

The Slovak section of ITF Divadelná Nitra’s main programme will be curated by puppeteer, performer and director Mária Danadová. As such, she will steer the course of the programme of this year’s festival, subtitled Fragility, with foreign programme curators – dramaturge and translator Martina Vannayová, theatre scholar and director Ján Šimko – and the accompanying…