Meet you in territory ethos

When we conceived the theme for the 29th International Theatre Festival Divadelná Nitra in late 2019, we had not suspected the power and urgency it would gain over the spring of 2020. All of a sudden, we are all in that territory. TERRITORY ETHOS. We are occupied by questions concerning living space, protection of privacy,…

Imagine day without art…

Imagine you wake up one day and want to turn on some music – but music has disappeared. No theatres or cinemas play. Galleries, museums, and libraries are closed. Architecture has vanished, and even your favourite design pieces are nowhere to be found. Everything has gone silent and empty. The world has lost art. What…

ADN celebrates the World Theatre Day! This is how.

In celebration of World Theatre Day, Association Divadelná Nitra sends its best wishes to all theatres and theatre-makers in Slovakia and abroad. Like many other human endeavours and societal activities at this time, theatre has never before been in the current predicament. Cancelled performances, empty theatre halls, premieres postponed indefinitely. Communication with audiences moved online.…

Talk freely about (un)freedom. Divadelná Nitra brings powerful theatre and a rich off-programme

Besides pioneering foreign and Slovak theatre productions, the International Theatre Festival Divadelná Nitra will offer a rich accompanying programme. Almost 60 events for children and adults will follow the theme of the 28th festival year – The Faces of Freedom.   A need to protect nature, the importance of freedom of speech, the indispensability of…

Divadelná Nitra showed all of THE FACES OF FREEDOM, attracting over 6000 visitors

Hoaxes, conspiracy theories and fake news took centre stage in a play titled Moral Insanity, Tuesday’s final performance in the main programme of the 28th International Theatre Festival Divadelná Nitra. With a solo performance under the guidance of director Júlia Rázusová, actor Peter Brajerčík enthralled the audience with his powerful dramatic delivery and demonstrated just…