Pribina (Making of)

Pribina (Making of) Wed / 27 / 9 / 23 18:00 – 19:20 TICKETS HERE The Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra > Studio no intermission language: Slovak  Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra, SLOVAKIA Miklós Forgács – Martin Homza – Rastislav Ballek Pribina (Making of) directed by: Rastislav Ballek more We used to see daily the…

Gotham City

Gotham City Tue / 26 / 9 / 23 19:00 – 21:00 TICKETS HERE The Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra > Great Hall no intermission language: Slovak with simultaneous interpretation into English dramaturgical introduction before the performance (18:30) Slovak National Theatre – Drama, SLOVAKIA Ján Chalupka Gotham City directed by: Rastislav Ballek more The brilliant…

Mining Stories

Mining Stories Mon / 25 / 9 / 23 20:30 – 21:30 TICKETS HERE The Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra > Studio no intermission language: Portuguese, English, Dutch with English and Slovak surtitles  performance followed by discussion with creators Silke Huysmans & Hannes Dereere, CAMPO, BELGIUM Mining Stories more Slovak debut of the novel duo of…


Hecuba Mon / 25 / 9 / 23 18:00 – 19:45 TICKETS HERE The Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra > Great Hall no intermission language: Slovak with English surtitles performance followed by discussion with creators Slovak Chamber Theatre Martin, SLOVAKIA Marina Carr Hecuba directed by: Lukáš Brutovský more Slovak Chamber Theatre in the city of…

Out of the Blue

Out of the Blue Sun / 24 / 9 / 23 19:30 – 20:30 TICKETS HERE The Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra > Great Hall no intermission language: English with Slovak surtitles performance followed by discussion with creators Silke Huysmans & Hannes Dereere, CAMPO, BELGIUM Out of the Blue more Slovak debut of the novel duo of Belgian…

M&H Pilgrimage

M&H Pilgrimage Sun / 24 / 9 / 23 18:00 – 19:00 TICKETS HERE from Mlyny Shopping Centre to Andrej Bagar Theatre – Studio 18:00 – 18:15 pilgrimage from Mlyny Shopping Centre 18.15 – 19:00 performance at Andrej Bagar Theatre – Studio  no intermission language: Slovak, simultaneous interpretation into English Príchod Godota, SLOVAKIA M&H Pilgrimage…

Držať rieku / Holding River

Držať rieku / Holding River Sun / 24 / 9 / 23 16:30 – 17:20 TICKETS HERE Nitra river embankment, meeting point: main gate of the Nitra Summer Swimming Pool no intermission language: Slovak, simultaneous interpretation into English Eva Priečková, Katarína Poliačiková, SLOVAKIA Držať rieku / Holding River more The unique experience of the performance…

Pleasant Island

Pleasant Island Sat / 23 / 9 / 23 20:30 – 21:40 TICKETS HERE The Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra > Studio no intermission language: English with Slovak surtitles performance followed by discussion with creators Silke Huysmans & Hannes Dereere, CAMPO, BELGIUM Pleasant Island more Slovak debut of the novel duo of Belgian performers! Pleasant Island is…

Public Enemies

TICKETS HEREPUBLIC ENEMIES Sat / 8 / 6 / 24 19.00 – 20.50 K. Spišák Old Theatre in Nitra  > Great hall in Czech with English surtitles The 2024 Divadelná Nitra opening ceremony precedes the performance. Na zábradlí Theatre, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC PUBLIC ENEMIES directed by: Jan Mikulášek more It is not the first time…

Tichým hlasom. In a Calm Voice

Tichým hlasom. In a Calm Voice  Sat / 23 / 9 / 23 15:30 – 17:00 TICKETS HERE The Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra > terrace In case of bad weather: Nitra Gallery no intermission language Slovak and English Uhol_92, SLOVAKIA Tichým hlasom. In a Calm Voice directed by: Alžbeta Vrzgula more Five “living audiobooks”,…