The Karol Kmeťko Regional Library in Nitra

Discussion about the work of Vanda Rozenbergová with Dado Nagy

A conversation between moderator and literature specialist Dado Nagy with Vanda Rozenbergová – author, three-time finalist of the Poviedka competition, author of popular books for adults and children – about sources of her inspiration and how her work of a bibliographer influenced her work. More at

The discussion will focus on the work of the writer Vanda Rozenbergová, sources of her inspiration and how her work of a bibliographer influenced her work. Vanda Rozenbergová is a three-time finalist of the Poviedka competition (2001, 2005, 2006). She made her literary debut with the collection of short stories Vedľajšie účinky chovu drobných hlodavcov (2011). It was followed by the novel Moje more (2012). SLOVART Publishing House published her novels Slobodu bažantom (2015), Muž z jamy a deti z lásky (2017), Tri smrtky sa plavia (2018). All three were in the top ten of the Anasoft litera prize. In 2021, her book Zjedol som Lautreca was published, which she also illustrated. She rewrote the fairy tales Websterovci and Websterovci 2 into book form. The discussion will include book signing: readers are welcome to bring their own books to be signed.

The literary discussion will be led by the popular presenter and literary specialist Dado Nagy. As an author and moderator, he participated in programmes dedicated to literature in several other media (Rádio Viva, Rádio Slovensko, STV2, and programmes Litera, Silná káva, Literárne oko). He commented social events in the entertainment show Sedem s r.o. As an actor, he was cast in a number of productions of the GunaGU theatre. In 2009 and 2020, he was a judge of the Anasoft litera competition. He has been a frequent moderator and convenor of literary events for years. He currently works at the International Department of the Slovak Literary Centre, being charge of the Anglophone book market and the grant scheme SLOLIA (Slovak Literature Abroad). He also participates in the Book Review podcast by the Slovak Literary Centre. He moderates the show Literárna revue on Radio Slovakia.

The Karol Kmeťko Regional Library in Nitra

Discussion about the work of Vanda Rozenbergová with Dado Nagy

12. 6. 2024, Wednesday, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
The Karol Kmeťko Regional Library in Nitra, address: Fraňa Mojtu 18
admission free