Divadelná Nitra 2024 was great! Thank you!

On Wednesday, 12 June 2024, the 33rd edition of the International Theatre Festival Divadelná Nitra ended with the performance of the Drama of the Slovak National Theatre We are fine. The festival attracted more than 2 500 spectators to theatres…

We are halfway through the Festival

The thirty-third edition of the International Theatre Festival Divadelná Nitra is halfway through. "The course of Divadelná Nitra so far can be considered successful. All the scheduled events took place. We were pleased with the public interest in the different…

Not without you

Pandemic times were and remain a test of we can do without in our lives. Without culture, school, travel, family, money, health… And for how long: a month, two, a…

Transcending Divadelná Nitra 1992 – 2021

One special project planned for the 30. International Theatre Festival Divadelná Nitra is the publication of Transcending Divadelná Nitra 1992 – 2021. Through a series of essays, analyses, academic studies,…

You can now support us on Startlab

Help us build our new cultural venue in the centre of Nitra near Svätoplukovo námestie – bod.K7. Together, we will revive a rare cultural monument, bring art to the pedestrian…

Be SpectACTive! finally alive

For the first time in ten months, they finally get to meet in person: seven young talents from Nitra visited their counterparts in Prague to create and rehearse the production…

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