The Divadelná Nitra International Theatre Festival is a selection-based non-competitive performing arts showcase with an emphasis on drama, yet also partly covering dance, visual arts, music, literature and film. The works are recommended for the programme by curators or members of the Artistic Board on the basis of specified criteria, the particular edition’s theme, and their own search, including consultations with professionals in different countries. The selection is discussed and approved during sessions of the Artistic Board and the Festival management.

The Festival programme consists of works included exclusively on the basis of an official invitation from the Festival, not on the basis of an application or registration by a particular company or artist. That, however, does not preclude the possibility of submitting your work (production, performance, concert, film, workshop) to the Festival, including brief information about it, a trailer, or full recording of the production. However, the Festival reserves the right to only communicate with those candidates who comply with the programming criteria.

The main programme of the Divadelná Nitra International Theatre Festival 2019 had be decided by the end of May 2019, the accompanying programme by mid-June 2019. The theme of the 28th Festival edition is FACES OF FREEDOM

curator for the selection of poduction from abroad:
Ján Šimko, cooperation: Dáša ČiripováJán Balaj

curator for the selection of productions from Slovakia:
Júlia Rázusová

Please send your submissions for the main programme to Anna Šimončičová:

Please send your submissions for the accompanying programme to Lucia Valková: