Pribina (Making of)

Wed / 27 / 9 / 23
18:00 – 19:20 TICKETS HERE

The Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra
> Studio

no intermission

language: Slovak 

Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra, SLOVAKIA

Miklós Forgács – Martin Homza – Rastislav Ballek

Pribina (Making of)

directed by: Rastislav Ballek

We used to see daily the face of Prince Pribina on the 20 Slovak Crown bank note. At the same time, no one was too interested in the fact that none of his physical shape was preserved. We can find many similar paradoxes in everyday life of virtually every nation or state. Reality sometimes just has to give way to a myth or a cultural construct. Yet, it is equally important that the given nation or country has its own Rastislav Ballek, who steadily devotes himself to uncovering similar contradictions in relation to major historical figures, whether it is – in Slovak case – Ján Hollý, Ján Chalupka, Jozef Tiso, Prince Pribina, or the bandit Jánošík. The production from the Nitra theatre is based on the controversially perceived text by the historian Martin Homza. In addition to the comedy aspect, the authors of the dramatisation develop the existential tragedy of the prince who reigned in the Principality of Nitra between 825 and 833. Along with Pribina as a cultural construct, there is also Pribina – a real person. Significant monarch, whose remains rest in an unknown place. Stage medley of materials, historical studies, as well as dramatic treatment of the rise and fall of the first known sovereign of the Principality of Nitra presents contemporary connexions and an unconventional view of our (pre-) Great Moravian history. It also raises many questions: What do we know about our history? What are the roots of our identity in the light of the present day?

directed by: Rastislav Ballek
dramaturgy: Martina Mašlárová
set and costumes design: Markéta Plachá
choreographic collaboration: Stanislava Vlčeková
performed by: Branislav Matuščin, Vladena Škorvagová, Otto Culka, Lukáš Herc, Ivana Kološová

Rastislav Ballek (1971) studied philosophy and sociology at the Faculty of Arts of the Comenius University in Bratislava, and graduated from the Department of Stage Directing at the Academy of Performing Arts (VŠMU) in Bratislava. His student directing and stage adaptations of Slovak classics (Departure from Bratislava, Weirdos) were well received at home and abroad. In 1999–2001 he was stage director at the SNP Theatre in the city of Martin (currently the Slovak Chamber Theatre). In 2001–2005 he was stage director with The Alexander Duchnovič Theatre in Prešov, in 2002-2009 stage director and artistic director of the City Theatre in Žilina. In 2006, he began to work closely with Bratislava-based Theatre Aréna, where he also created the cult author’s production Tiso (2005) and directed productions Kukura (2011), Holocaust (2012) or Rosmersholm (2013). He is the laureate of numerous awards of the prestigious Dosky critics poll in several categories.