Karol Kmeťko Regional Library in Nitra

2.00 PM – 4.00 PM, Karola Kmeťko Regional Library in Nitra: Nitra To Come / The Future of Traditional Crafts. Open meeting of the bobbin lace-makers’ club. A traditional craft accompanied by new music. Presentation for the candidature of Nitra for the European Capital of Culture 2026. Nitra 2026. Free admission.

Nitra Regional Education Centre

24 Sept – 29 Oct, Nitra Regional Education Centre: FAD 21 PO. Exhibition of photographs by Jakub Jančo from the Amateur Theatre Festival 2021.

4 Oct – 5 Oct, 9.00 AM – 3.00 PM, Nitra Regional Education Centre: SPACE. Public educational workshop – basic overview of the issues of stage space, tutors: Michal Lošonský, Miro Zwiefelhofer

4 Oct, 2.00 PM – 2.35 PM, Nitra Regional Education Centre: Red Shoes. Stage adaptation of eponymous short story by Uršula Kovalyk. Directed by: K. Šimková. Free admission.

4 Oct, 6.00 PM – 6.40 PM, Nitra Regional Education Centre: The Day Shall Come, Hrdinovia Theatre Company. An original play about the feelings, desires and dreams of teenage girls locked within the cage of a children’s home. Directed by: Z. Strnátová and collective. Free admission.

Nitra Region Museum

2 Sept – 30 Oct, Nitra Region Museum: Andrej Bagar (1900 – 1966) Then, Now and Beyond. Exhibition by The Theatre Institute, Bratislava, dedicated to director Andrej Bagar.

2 Sept – 30 Oct, Nitra Region Museum: Stage Costume. Exhibition organised in collaboration with The Theatre Institute, Bratislava, the Karol Spišák Old Theatre in Nitra and the Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra, featuring a creative workshop titled The Three Sisters.

Architecture Days

from 25 August 2021, permanent objects, Square: Blocks. Svätoplukovo námestie, the central square as we know it today is the outcome of a razing of the historical city centre. Blocks try to remind us of the long-forgotten spaces of Divadelné námestie (Theatre Square) and Radničné námestie (City Hall Square). They might be transcendencies – links between conscious and unconscious, past and future. This project, brought by the City of Nitra in collaboration with Architecture Days, confirms the intuition.

For current information about the institutions’ events, hygienic measures, prices and opening hours, visit the official websites of our co-organisers.