Dear spectators, honoured visitors and friends of the International Theatre Festival Divadelná Nitra,
we are concerned for the safety of every festival visitor and each member of festival staff. Based on the current developments related to the COVID-19 epidemic, we have adopted several measures in organising the festival, and we kindly ask all visitors to follow them. We hope that this situation will not stand in the way of our joint enjoyment of the festival.
During the International Theatre Festival Divadelná Nitra 2020, we will ensure compliance with all hygienic and anti-epidemic measures in accordance with current instructions of the Public Health Autohrity of the Slovak Republic and the Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra. For more information about current measures, please visit our website.
Current measures as of 18 August 2020:
We recommend visitors purchase their tickets online via the online marketplace GoOut. The festival cash desk will be open from 7 September daily between 3 PM – 5 PM, and will be accessible through the main entrance of the Andrej Bagar Theatre.
Following the recommendations of the Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic, we have reduced the number of tickets for sale by half, and seating will be ensured with a proper distance between each visitor. The body temperature of each visitor will be assessed upon entry to the venue.
We kindly ask all visitors to cover their nose and face with a mask, scarf or shawl, both indoors and at outdoor events of the International Theatre Festival Divadelná Nitra.
Disinfectant will be provided at the entrance to each event. We will also ensure regular disinfection of all performing and operational premises.
We recommend visitors maintain a 2-meter distance between both indoors and outdoors.
You are bound to meet many friends and acquaintances at the festival. Wink, smile, greet each other by waving your arms. We recommend you avoid shaking hands entirely.
Appropriate measures will be in place at outdoor events – area markings, designated entrance points, visitor number and density checks, disinfectant stations, face covering checks.
We recommend visitors take advantage of the services provided by our befriended businesses at Kupecká ulica. No drinks or other refreshments will be available for sale in the premises of the theatre. The theatre café in the Andrej Bagar Theatre will also remain closed during the festival.
Important warning:
If you notice any symptoms of an acute respiratory infection, contact your general practitioner by telephone and leave the festival immediately.
In case you are ill with an acute respiratory infection (fever, cough, congestion, difficulty breathing) please remain in home isolation.
We ask all visitors to follow these guidelines (covered in the Safe Festival Measures fo Visitors). Despite this unfavourable situation, we look forward to bringing art to the city of Nitra and offering artists an opportunity to present their work, which they have lost due to the crisis.
You may find more information about current measures in ADN Directive n. 1/2020 and Annex 1 from 17 September 2020 at the official website of the Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic, and
The ADN Directive was written on the basis of guidelines published by the Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic and upon consultation with the relevant Regional Public Health Authority in Nitra. Measures also follow current instructions of the Director of the Andrej Bagar Theatre and its annexes.